New series, Draft 3 of Whispers done!

Hey all!

I’ve just finished wrapping up draft 3 of Whispers at the Crypt on Sunday, and it’s currently in the hands of alpha readers. It’s far from complete, but it’s a huge step for me. Proud to have another novel in the hands of alpha readers since September, when before then it had been years (Literally!) in-between. It’s a huge accomplishment, and I think the novel has a strong potential to grow once I get some feedback.

Also I’ve been wracking my mind against what to write next. I have several ideas, but one keeps popping back into my head. Of course I won’t be mentioning what it’s about, but I can tell you it’s a Sci-Fi Novella YA series, aimed to be 35-40K words each, currently titled Treasure Hunter. Remember all titles are working titles except for Crimson Regret!

Speaking of Crimson Regret, still no update on the cover but it should be coming soon! The cover needs to truly convey the emotions of the novel, and so I’m being much pickier this time than ever before. (Can I be pickier? Is that something that can be said?) Well I’m saying it! :).

Will be back next week with another update on the novels!


Crimson Regret Pre-Order!


Weekly Update!